Thursday, July 26, 2007

segregation adobe photo deluxe

All seven Democrats for governor signed a "unity pledge" with the party to promise that they will run "a clean, positive and issues-based campaign." Democratic Party Chairman Jerry Lundergan told the party's executive committee this afternoon that each of the candidates promised not to run personal attack ads during the campaign and get behind the winner of the May 22 primary (or after the run-off five weeks later). "I fully understand the ramifications of personal, negative attacks toward Democratic candidate during the primary election cycle and I recognize that such campaign tactics have the potential to damage all candidates ... and divide the party," the pledge states. Five candidates -- former lieutenant governors Steve Henry and Steve Beshear , House Speaker Jody Richards , Louisville businessman Bruce Lunsford and Lexington lawyer Gatewood Galbraith -- signed the pledge at a meeting at Democratic headquarters in Frankfort on Thursday. State treasurer Jonathan Miller and Harlan demolition contractor Otis Hensley signed off on the pledge and sent them in later. Lundergan told reporters later that he didn't consider it negative for candidates to draw contrasts with each other over issues, positions or voting records. But he said he considered detailing a candidate's business record or dealings, personal lives or past party loyalty to be "personal attacks." UPDATE 6:59 p.m.: Some discount mortgage lead candidates, including Lunsford, already pledged on their own to run a positive campaign.

I first started talking about landing pages in 1991, but there's probably someone out there who can pre-date me. Sometimes when you've been riffing on an idea for so long, it's easy to believe that everyone gets it, but my mail says otherwise. A landing page is the first page a visitor to your site sees. Landing pages were important back in the day of email marketing, because if you included a link in your email, that was the page the permission marketee would land on if he clicked through. Landing pages are even more important today because they are the page that someone clicking on a Google Adwords ad sees. A landing page (in fact, every page) can only cause one of five actions: Get a visitor to click (to go to another page, on your site or someone else's) Get a visitor to buy Get a visitor to give permission for you to follow up (by email, phone, etc.). This includes registration of course. Get a visitor to tell a friend (and the more subtle) Get a visitor to learn something, which could even include posting a comment or giving you some sort of feedback I think that's the entire list of options So, if you build a landing page, and you're going to invest time and money to get people to visit it, it makes sense to optimize that page to accomplish just one of mouth protector the things above. Perhaps two, but no more. When you review a landing page, the thing to ask yourself is, "What does the person who built this page want me to do?" If you can optimize for that, you should.

One of my favorite places to find the latest in personal tech is CNET's first time homebuyers programs blog: CRAVE . Not only a wellspring of the latest and (potentially) greatest in also sports a humor that ranges from Marxian to Pythonesque. Just my cup o' tea! Recently, CRAVE highlighted a new phone that Toshiba is preparing for the Japanese market; and, that I would love to see in the States: The " Drape " phone (so named, because its casing evokes theatrical stage-drapes). 'Drape' looks like something out of a 1930's scifi novel...if Doc Savage had a cellphone, this would be it. Totally high-tech innards...yet, the design is tremendously Art Deco. It looks like something designed by William Van Alen, the architect of the iconic Chrysler Building in NYC. To me, it really evokes the look and feel of going into Radio City Music Hall; another NYC Deco gem. No matter what, it shows that tech design doesn't have to hew to a 'digital sensibility', and inevitable sterility. There is room enough for a romantic, stylish attitude in personal tech; and I would love to see Palm bring some of that to upcoming offerings.

One of my favorite places to find the latest in personal tech is CNET's blog: CRAVE . Not only a wellspring of the latest and (potentially) greatest in also sports a humor that ranges from Marxian to Pythonesque. Just my cup o' tea! Recently, CRAVE highlighted a new phone that Toshiba is preparing for the Japanese market; and, that I would love to see in the States: The " Drape " phone (so named, because its casing evokes theatrical trendwest time share stage-drapes). 'Drape' looks like something out of a 1930's scifi novel...if Doc Savage had a cellphone, this would be it. Totally high-tech innards...yet, the design is tremendously Art Deco. It looks like something designed by William Van Alen, the architect of the iconic Chrysler Building in NYC. To me, it really evokes the look and feel of going into Radio City Music Hall; another NYC Deco gem. No matter what, it shows that tech design doesn't have to hew to a 'digital sensibility', and inevitable sterility. There is room enough for a romantic, stylish attitude in personal tech; and I would love to see Palm bring some of that to upcoming offerings.

One of my favorite places to find the latest in personal tech is CNET's blog: CRAVE . Not only a wellspring of the latest and (potentially) greatest in also sports a humor that ranges from Marxian to Pythonesque. Just my cup o' tea! Recently, CRAVE highlighted a new phone that Toshiba is preparing for the Japanese market; and, that I would love to see in the States: The " Drape " phone (so named, because its casing evokes theatrical stage-drapes). 'Drape' looks like something out of a 1930's scifi novel...if Doc Savage had a cellphone, this would be it. Totally high-tech innards...yet, the design is tremendously Art Deco. It looks like something designed by slim jim phantom William Van Alen, the architect of the iconic Chrysler Building in NYC. To me, it really evokes the look and feel of going into Radio City Music Hall; another NYC Deco gem. No matter what, it shows that tech design doesn't have to hew to a 'digital sensibility', and inevitable sterility. There is room enough for a romantic, stylish attitude in personal tech; and I would love to see Palm bring some of that to upcoming offerings.


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