Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Freaknomics points baby gift basket s to the greatest fast food promotion in memory. Beat the cashier in a game of rock paper scissors and save a buck. What I absolutely love about this idea, other than its obvious remarkability, is the way it humanizes the previously automatonized front line worker. Instead of making them invisible, it makes them part of the deal. "Tell your Starbucks barrista a really funny joke, get a free biscotti (knock knock jokes not valid in some states.)" Why not do this with your accounts payable people? Or give the customer service people the ability to give a prize to the nicest person who calls in each day? What's the worst that could happen--they might use a little judgment, might enjoy the day a bit more, might even start to care. If you let them.

Freaknomics points us to the greatest fast food promotion in memory. Beat the cashier in a game of rock paper scissors and save a buck. What I absolutely love about this idea, other than its obvious remarkability, is the way it humanizes the previously automatonized front line worker. Instead of making them invisible, it makes them part of the deal. "Tell your Starbucks barrista a really funny joke, get a free biscotti (knock knock jokes not valid in some states.)" Why not do this with your accounts payable people? Or give the customer new balance golf shoe ervice people the ability to give a prize to the nicest person who calls in each day? What's the worst that could happen--they might use a little judgment, might enjoy the day a bit more, might even start to care. If you let them.

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Normally I would not ask anyone to watch any Sunday talk show, much less Faux News Channel, but (I received this alert in an e-mail; if I'm wrong, you have my apologies) Sister Jeannine Gramick will appear on This Week With George Stephanopolous (ABC; check local listings) today around noon, and Geraldo Rivera's Fox show later Sunday night. Jeannine was censured and horribly mistreated by the Vatican (Ratzinger) for ministering to gays and lesbians and supporting gay rights. Her work was made into a documentary : In Good Conscience, Sister Jeannine Gramick's Journey of Faith. Jeannine made the journey that theocrats business to business email marketing nd reactionaries fear the most -- she was suspicious and biased against homosexuals until she actually met them and learned just how diverse, thoughtful, kind and capable they were in the midst of their "evil" or "immoral" plans for world domination. Stories like hers are all too rarely heard in our lazy, stereotypical media. I hope you get the chance to witness a small sliver of the work she has done.

If you’re reading this early enough and you want to tune in, you can catch me on Good Morning America around 8:30 this morning. Sorry not to let you all know earlier. There were schedule changes at the last minute. As for all the Good Morning America viewers who watched and are now dropping by, welcome! If you want to know more about the No Impact Man project, a good place to start is here . Meanwhile, those of you who saw me talking about having no electricity in my apartment in order to reduce my environmental impact may be thinking, “Oh hell, I want to help the environment but I’m not about to do what that wacky Colin Beavan has done!” Well, guess what? You don’t have to. Each of us can only help in the ways that we can, which is why I put together this list of previous posts and links which may help you to figure out your own way. The first key to cutting emissions is reducing fun mover rv ur use of energy resources. Driving less, flying less, using less power is about the most important ways we can each do that. It also links to list of other environmental actions you can take, and explains a little about buying carbon offsets, which is a way of making up for your unavoidable emissions. My favorite carbon offset provider is Native Energy . Another thing you can do at home is to buy your electricity from renewable sources—like wind, hydro or solar. You can find your local provider of renewable electricity at this Department of Energy website .


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